research report | powerpoint presentation
Asia Pacific consists of 20 countries with very diverse laws and policies. The diagram shows the sum of information of the region and unveils a portrait of the area.

Each country is represented by a circle and the circle’s color displays the category of immigrants. On the left side, it’s possible to read the number of countries and the categories of detainees according to the laws and policies. The information is duplicated on the right side since the information is compared with the detention practices.
The contradictions between the left and the right side demonstrate the imbalance of the region’s detention frameworks.

The circular diagrams, representing each country of the Pacific-Asia region, highlight the comparison
of detention practices and what the law of each country establishes.
The circles are formed by colors that classify the type of immigrant. The detention state is represented by lines: a solid line identifies detention while the dotted line establishes that there is no detention by the country. In some cases there is missing information due to data availability.
The contradictions between the left and the right side demonstrate the imbalance of the countries’ detention frameworks.
The contradictions between the left and the right side demonstrate the imbalance of the countries’ detention frameworks.
Design process

International Detention Coalition
- International Detention Coalition
- Ross, H. 2021 MA in Data visualisation, UAL: LCC
Illustrator, Miro, Microsoft Teams
Julie Huang, Stevie Zhang, Conghang Zhang and Yixuan Cai