installation | poster
Family reunification in the U.S.
The flowers, their blossom and wither asa metaphor for the stagesof life and the different age ranges for immigration.
Some families reunite in the USA as older immigrants get together with their adult children who had immigrated as young adults. The floral arrangement represents the amount of immigration to the United States in 2020 for selected age ranges. Every flower colour exemplifies an immigrant age range and a member of the family.
Some families reunite in the USA as older immigrants get together with their adult children who had immigrated as young adults. The floral arrangement represents the amount of immigration to the United States in 2020 for selected age ranges. Every flower colour exemplifies an immigrant age range and a member of the family.

Future intention
Installation presented in the airports galleries of the main U.S. cities.
The exhibition of the family portrait made of flowers uses the latest data to represent the contemporaneity of the situation.
Real flowers are used to show the difference between the youngest and those aged by time. And its quantity is related to the migration data. The containers are displayed and illuminated in a way that resembles photographs of North American families. The exhibition also includes a second montage of flowers that represents the origin of the oldmigrants in 2020 and of the young migrants of 1990. In this way I seek to represent the possible family ties of the children who migrated 30 years ago and the parents who now migrate.
The exhibition of the family portrait made of flowers uses the latest data to represent the contemporaneity of the situation.
Real flowers are used to show the difference between the youngest and those aged by time. And its quantity is related to the migration data. The containers are displayed and illuminated in a way that resembles photographs of North American families. The exhibition also includes a second montage of flowers that represents the origin of the oldmigrants in 2020 and of the young migrants of 1990. In this way I seek to represent the possible family ties of the children who migrated 30 years ago and the parents who now migrate.

‘How might activating emotion
help us learn, remember and communicate with data?’
Klein and D’Ignazio, 2020

UN international Migration Stock, 2020.
- International Coalition Centre (2022).
- Litwak E., Longino CF. Migration patterns among the elderly: a developmental perspective. Gerontologist (1987).
- Older persons and migration (2022).
- Migration Data Portal.
- Elderly Immigrants in the United States (2013).
- Klein. L and D’Ignazio. C. 2020. Data Feminism. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press
- Data Physicalization. Emotional Data Visualization: Periscopic's "U.S. Gun Deaths" and the Challenge of Uncertainty (2013).
- Klein. L and D’Ignazio. C. 2017. Feminist Data Visualisation.
- Ross, H. 2021 MA in Data visualisation, UAL: LCC
Tableau, Miro, Google Docs, Illustrator, Photoshop
Julie Huang, Stevie Zhang, Conghang Zhang and Yixuan Cai